3D Animation: Storyboarding

»  I can use computer graphic tools, graphic organizers, and design processes to help develop ideas,
     topics, or possible solutions for an advertising design solution - Pinterest, Gantt Project, etc.
»  I can use computer graphic tools and design processes to communicate, inform, analyze and/or
     illustrate a topic, idea, subject or concept.
»  I can write a script that successfully communicates my Ideas
»  I can write a script using standard notation
»   I can implement programs like Celtx to for writing my script

»  I can use computer graphic tools develop a storyboard that clearly communicates a 3d animation short.

»  I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet
»  WRITE: Identify and re-write the task or problem (in your own words)
»  SKETCH: After reading the problem / prompt, take out  a clean piece of paper and sketch and/or write-up your initial thoughts and ideas. 
»  RESEARCH: Create a Pinterest account to start brainstorming  ideas.
»  BRAINSTORM: Brainstorm and research possible animation topics and themes.   
     »  Refine your direction.  
»  BRAINSTORM: Create a mind map for your topic to explore your topic further 
»  WRITE: Write a design brief (2-5 paragraphs)
»  WRITE: Write the design specifications – Refer to TSA rules.
»  WRITE: Write a short script to be used as narration for the storyboard.   
»  WRITE: Write a script for the characters dialogue in the story 
     »  The script must be written in standard production notation
»  SKETCH: Develop concept  sketches for all characters major props in the scene.
»  SKETCH: Develop concept  sketches of the environment where scene takes place.
»  SKETCH: Create a rough hand-sketched storyboard for your scientific concept. 
»  CREATE: Create a final storyboard for your SkillsUSA animation concept using your preferred software application.

*Thoroughly Document in Blog (Design Folder).


3D Animation Story Boarding:  This assignment was adapted from a regional SkillsUSA 3D Animation contest we held in 2006. 


PURPOSE: To evaluate each contestant’s preparation for employment and to recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of 3-D visualization and animation.

Time: 2 weeks (extra week for developing the Design Folder – total of 3 weeks)
Subject: Storyboarding
Client: Dynamic Dice

Background: You are the creative director for the 3d animation studio “Dynamic Dice” and were assigned to script and create a storyboard for their latest 3d animation short.   Keep in mind you are only creating the storyboard and NOT the full animation. 

Create a final storyboard for a very short animated subject where you have an arm (or something) reach in from another dimension, fumble around for and grab at an object, and then retreats through the inter-dimensional portal. The secondary element is “Make Me Laugh!”  Your short must be greater than 20 seconds and less than a minute in length.

Design the look and textures of the arm. It does not have to be human, but it should have a minimum of 3 arm bones and multi-boned digits. It could be fleshy, metallic, plastic or fluid, but it should be textured, rigged and animatable for believable appearance, motion and deformation. Keep in mind; you have to finish this whole practical

Your storyboard must:

  • Be between 20 – 60 seconds
  • Fully annotated
  • Answer the prompt

Keep an eye on the time. PACE YOURSELF! The key to all of this is to finish in the time allotted.

Size:  Your storyboard should fit on legal sized paper – No more than 3 pages


There are a number of storyboard styles depending on what the director wants to see; here are a few examples.




Click here to see an entire Nickelodeon storyboard “Flavio” #137


Download Full Size Image from MYP Resources on COLE.



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