Project Design Journal (PDJ) – Part 1: The Interface
» I can create a blog using to communicate my project ideas and to act as a Design Folder
» I can completely customize a blog for aesthetics, organization, & smooth navigation
» I can create a custom organization system with smooth navigation using “labels” & “Pages" » I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet
» Create a clear organizational system using labels.
» Use the following post labels: Investigate, Investigation Journal, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, and Final Project.
» Create a dynamic Table of Contents.
» Create an interactive Checklist.
» Create a new “test” post for each label.
» Remove the “About Me Gadget”
» Remove the “Blog Archive”
» Turn off the Navigation Bar or Navbar
» Create a custom header image that reflects your project theme
» Assign every post an appropriate label.
Design Folder - Project Design Journal (PDJ)
Refer to my example:
Project Design Folder Setup Notes:
DESIGN: Apply a color scheme that reflects your project theme. Explore different color schemes that compliment you main header image.
CONFIGURE: Change the following settings to your blog.
- Set blog width to 960. You can do this by selecting Layout > Customize > Adjust Widths.
- Turn off Navbar << Show Me How >>
- Remove the “About Me” gadget
- Remove the “Blog Archive” gadget
- Configure Blog Post Settings << Show Me How >>
- Create a static “Home” page. This sets your “Home Page” or the first page you will see, to an address of your choice. << Show Me How >>
- Make Private? Your Choice??? Change Settings: Settings:Posts and Comments << Show Me How >>
- Remove “Showing posts with label *******, Show all posts” << Show Me How >>
- Remove “Subscribe to: Posts ( Atom )“ << Show Me How >>
CREATE: Add a sidebar gadget containing a table of contents. << Show Me How >>
CREATE: Create a top tab based organizational system for your Design Folder. It must be clearly divided into: Investigate, Investigation Journal, Design, Plan, Create, Evaluate, and Final Project. << Show Me How >>
Create a new “test” post for each label. Give the following Post Titles to each post. Overview, Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, and Final Project. For each post add the appropriate Label: Overview, Initial Research, Design, Plan, Create, and Final Project.
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