Scientific Visualization: Micro-Molecular Modeling

» I can navigate the Protein Database website
» I can install professional plug-ins for Autodesk Maya
» I can use computer 3D graphic tools to create micro-molecular models.
» I can use computer graphic tools to create fact sheets and posters
» I understand the responsibilities and ethics associated with publishing to the internet


» You are to choose and research a virus from the Protein Data Bank’s “Protein of the Month” and justify why.
» You are to install the mMaya plugin for Autodesk Maya, teach yourself how it functions and document it key features.
» You are to create the following four visualization models, a CPK, Ball & Stick, Ribbon model, a contact surface models, and a Biological unit.
» You will design and create a full color fact poster of your chosen virus.

To evaluate each ones preparation for employment and to recognize outstanding students for excellence and professionalism in the field of advertising design.

Time: 2  weeks
Subject: Scientific Visualization: Virus Fact Sheet
Client: S.E.T. - Scientific Educational Curriculum Teachers

Background: You are a Scientific Visualization Artist and contracted by S.E.T.  (Scientific Educational Teachers)  to produce scientific virus fact posters for elementary students. 

Assignment: Your job will be as follows: conceive, design, and execute Scientific Visualization Fact Poster of a virus.

First, you are to choose and research a virus from the Protein Data Bank’s “Protein of the Month” and justify why.   You are also to determine the important facts that need to be communicated.

Second, you are to install the mMaya plugin for Autodesk Maya, teach yourself how it functions and document it key features.  

Third, you are to create the following four visualization models, a CPK, Ball & Stick, Ribbon model, a contact surface models, and a Biological unit.

Forth, you will design a full color fact poster.  Before you begin work on your final design,  you must complete 3+ concepts design with annotations.  It can be done in any program that are comfortable in, Photoshop, Illustrator, PageMaker, Gimp, Office products, etc.  It is your job to use your proficiency with the computer, and your mastery of the programs to make it happen.  Again, your design should communicate quickly and effectively. It should make kids the important elements of the virus. 

Your poster design must:

  • Full Color (CMYK color set)
  • 16 X 20 at 300 DPI

SAVE the Package as your first name + “_” + second name + “_” + the word “logo”.

Keep an eye on the time. PACE YOURSELF! The key to all of this is to finish in the time allotted.


Download Full Size Image from MYP Resources on COLE.

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